“Faith is a journey of illumination: it starts with the humility of recognizing oneself as needy of salvation and arrives at the personal encounter with Christ, who calls one to follow him on the way of love. On this model the Church has formulated the itinerary of Christian Initiation to prepare for Baptism, Confirmation (or Chrism) and the Eucharist.”

Pope Benedict XVI Angelus: 29 October, 2006


Here is just a text box. Hover over me and click the edit button to change the copy. This is what you will be doing most of, updating Mass times and general copy updates for your ministries, whether that is changing event dates or adding new information.


You can move rows above or below other rows with the first tab on the left hand side. Go ahead and try moving this row above the text box above.

The row settings can be found as the first tab on the right hand side of each row. Settings in here will effect everything inside the row. Settings for elements within the row will override these setting. Try making the button center aligned!

You can add space between elements with empty spaces. Click on the duplicate icon to copy the empty space and move it above the button.

To change the image to the right, hover and click the edit button. There are two ways to change this.

  1. Upload the image directly into the media files though the edit window or
  2. Upload the image prior to editing the page, and then you can find it within the media files.

Make sure you upload an image that is the correct size. Keep all file sizes around 300 mb.

For the ministries or sacrament images – 800px by 400px

Header images – 2100px by 750px